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Hot Spots On Solar Panels

Stop Worrying About the Five Most Common Solar Panel Problems!

Solar panels are one of the best investments that a homeowner like yourself can make to help the environment. Additionally, they often help you save money on energy bills, so it’s a win-win situation.


The heart of your solar setup are the solar panels, which sit on your roof, absorbing sunlight and quietly converting it into clean, inexpensive, and abundant energy.


It’s a truly impressive investment that will quickly pay you back over time because these environmentally friendly sources of power are very low maintenance and emit no harmful emissions.


However, there is an unfortunate reality that sometimes, even the most resilient or ingenious things don’t end up working correctly. Have you been asking yourself whether your solar panels still work as well as they used to?


Below we’ve put together some valuable information to help you understand the common issues with solar panels.

Cracks on Solar Panels

Conventional solar panels are brittle. The cracks that form on traditional panels are hard to detect with the naked eye and can be very small in size, but over time and with weather changes, these cracks can become more significant. This disrupts the flow of energy in your panel, cutting down your system’s energy output.

Electric Wiring Issues

Poor wiring installations may get surfaced by animals chewing on cables and making the wires less sturdy than they should be. For wiring-related faults, it’s essential to know that ineffective electrical wiring in Australia can be fixed by hiring a fully licensed electrician.

Hot spots

Hot spots are formed by static electricity building up on your panels. It’s a severe charging problem that can reduce the lifespan of your solar panels and affect their energy production overall.


Hot spots can result in fires and make repairs difficult, so finding ways to prevent them is essential. The real trouble begins when too much dirt gets on the surface of your panels as dirt increases static build up – it’s an unfortunate phenomenon known as “dirty panel syndrome.”


What’s more troubling is that hot spots can escalate once they start, leaving you with no choice but to shut down the entire system you have been carefully trying to maintain.

Snail Trail

Snail tracks is the term that solar panel owners use to describe the brown residue that forms on the surface of panels, appearing like snail trails on the surface of a shell. Caused by moisture from excess rain or extensive cloud cover drawn up and down uneven areas inside your panels may cause damage to your solar cells, reducing your output.

PID Effect

‘PID’ stands for ‘Potential Induced Degradation. This occurs when a voltage difference develops between the panel and the system’s grounding, which, in simple terms, causes a connected monitoring device to automatically understand there is a potential ground fault, thus entirely interrupting the operation of the PV system and reducing its output.


When it comes to solar systems, talking to an expert is the best thing you can do! Your solar panels should be doing what they’re supposed to, and if they’re not, you can get them fixed with the right help. At Charlie Sparks Electrical Services, we can identify problems quickly by thoroughly examining many areas that might go unnoticed by someone who doesn’t have the same experience as our trained staff.

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