Solar Battery Installation Sydney


The popularity of battery systems in Australia is attributable primarily to their convenience and accessibility.


By installing solar batteries, households can conserve the energy they generate from solar panels during the day, enabling them to use it during periods of low solar visibility, instead of sending it back to the grid.


Your solar system gets embedded with a battery system powered by an inverter that converts DC electricity to AC to provide electricity to your home or feedback to the grid.


The solar battery gets charged through two channels: first, by the solar panels, and if solar panels are insufficient, it gets charged by an alternative source.

Charlie Sparks Electrical Services has been installing solar batteries for many years to reduce the dependency of households on the grid.


The high-quality storage batteries and inverters we install will seamlessly manage power to and from your solar panel system to where it’s needed in the home or business.


To make better use of your solar panels and have reliable power through the night or on rainy days, installing affordable backup batteries or stored power sources is a great option. They can hold tremendous amounts of energy to keep your building lit and appliances running on zero emission electricity.


To know more, get in touch with our CEC-accredited solar installers.

What is a solar battery?

A solar battery is an excellent way to store the excess electricity from your solar power system so it doesn’t go to waste. Additionally, solar batteries mean you don’t have to rely on something other than the grid for power on cloudy days or at night.


Solar batteries are an excellent investment for your wallet, the environment, and your peace of mind. Tesla and Sonnen are two great brands of solar batteries to consider.

How does a Solar battery work?

he solar energy stored in the solar panels which then gets converted into Direct current which gets stored in a solar battery. The DC enters the solar inverter that gets converted into Alternate current ( AC)that runs the various appliances of your household


You can read more on the working of solar batteries here.

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What to Know When Installing a Home Battery Storage

Before installing solar batteries in a residential setting, one should consider several factors, such as:

Potential Benefits of Incorporating a Solar Battery

The installation of a solar battery offers a range of advantages, including storing solar electricity that would get exported to the grid and reducing energy bills. Additionally, an intelligent battery allows for the greater utilization of carbon-free solar electricity, further enhancing solar energy’s economic and environmental benefits.

What is the Cost of a Solar Battery System?

The cost of installing a solar battery varies depending on its chemistry, ranging from $200 to $15,000. Lithium-ion is the most common chemistry for residential grid-tied solar panels, which can cost anywhere from $7,000 to $14,000.

What are the Potential Cost Savings of Implementing Solar Battery Storage?

Installing a solar battery with at least 10-kilowatt hours of usable storage can provide substantial savings on a typical family home’s electricity bill. Such an installation could result in annual savings of between $700 and $1,000.

How to Prepare Your Home for Solar Battery Installation?

Battery storage provides the key to maximizing the efficiency of renewable home energy systems. Yet, before installing a battery, it is essential to ensure that the home accommodates the installation; this is especially true if you have or are planning to install rooftop solar panels.

Find the Right Location

According to Australian standards, solar batteries get installed indoors and outdoors. The ideal location to install them is the garage, which provides shelter from direct sunlight.


When determining whether or not to install the battery indoors or outdoors, it is essential to consider the local climate. Local climate factors include the proximity to the sea, amount of rainfall, and amount of sunlight. Additionally, locations with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, such as deserts, should be considered.

Install Your Solar Panel System with Battery Storage in Mind

Some homeowners may find taking on a financial commitment to install solar and battery storage all at once too costly. Fortunately, there is no requirement to invest simultaneously. If you opt to install solar panels before the battery, inform the installer of this when making the arrangements.

Understand Your Energy Usage

It is essential to track one’s electricity requirements to accurately determine the number of batteries necessary to fulfil changing energy needs. More than a single battery is required to meet these varying needs.


Electricity consumption can vary substantially between households.

Choose Your Essential Loads

Once you have identified your energy consumption habits, you can decide which devices and appliances need to stay powered during a power outage, forming your essential or backed-up loads. Generally, these essential loads comprise the Internet, mobile devices, and lighting.

Average Lifespan of solar battery

Before you decide on a particular solar battery to install, it is essential to know how long a particular solar battery will last. To know what factors affect the lifespan of a solar battery , read here

Solar Battery Brands to Consider

We understand that there are a lot of solar battery brands on the market, and it can take time to decide which one is right for you and your needs. That’s why we’ve gone ahead and researched for you to recommend only the best of the best when it comes to solar batteries. Below are a few of our top picks!


You can read our article on how to purchase the best solar battery here. Further to find out  about the best solar batteries for solar storage read here.


For any enquiry call us, message us, or mail us on following contact details.

    Affordable & Quality Data & Battery Solutions

    The Tesla Powerwall

    As one of the leading sustainable energy providers, Tesla is on solid ground with their range of energy generation and power battery storage solutions. At the core of Tesla’s mission is to move away from fossil fuel reliance and enable the world to move to more sustainable energy sources. You can make your own first steps to a cleaner, zero-emission future with Tesla Powerwall affordable backup batteries to generate your own infinitely scalable power source.


    solar battery price


    Sonnen is an innovative, certified Australian-owned and operated natural energy company. Their flagship product, the sonnenBatterie lets you use clean energy, day and night, and provides unique solar powered home battery and data solutions. Boost the efficiency of energy use in your home with smart meters while storing solar energy in your very own solar power battery to help reduce the need for constant grid power. By investing in their long-lasting and recyclable technology, you can be part of a changing future, today!

    The sonnen Batterie

    Solar Energy Battery Storage For Home

    Solax Power

    With their ground-breaking ability to retro-fit into any PV system, the Solax range of solar panel High quality backup batteries stands out with their Triple Power Battery, which we highly recommend businesses or large households look into. This new technology allows for wider temperature tolerances and can also be a much safer option when maximum power loads need to be met. With a 90% energy discharge depth, Solax offers flexible, high-performing and practical power storage options.

    The sonnen Batterie

    Best Batteries For Solar Power Storage

    Why Choose Charlie Sparks Electrical Services for Solar Battery Installation?

    Charlie Sparks Electrical Services is one of the best Solar Specialists in Sydney because we offer our customers great value. Some of the reasons our customers prefer us to other companies are:
    Monocrystalline Vs Polycrystalline Solar Panels

    Are you looking for a reliable solar battery installation?

    Charlie Sparks Electrical Services are the leading solar system installers at Sydney. We have successfully installed various solar panel systems that include solar battery storage. To get solar battery installation done, contact us today! Get a Solar Battery quote now!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, a solar battery will work with your existing solar panels, provided you get it installed through a recognised CEC-accredited solar installer.
    Yes, it depends on your electricity requirements that you need to estimate.
    Generally, installation times may vary depending on the size of the system, ranging from 4 to 6 hours.
    Installing a solar battery with a minimum of 10 kilowatt hours of usable storage in a typical family home can offer savings of up to $1,000 on the electricity bill.

    The cost of installing a solar battery depends on the capacity of the solar battery needed to suffice your home or office energy requirements. In addition, several other factors influence the cost of installing the solar battery . Read more here to find out how much you need to pay for solar battery installation .

    Solar Energy Battery Storage For Home