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Cec Accredited Solar Retailers

How to find accredited solar retailers and Installers

So you’re looking to install solar panels on your roof? Great! But where do you start? This guide will help you find reputable solar retailers and installers in your area.

Find Accredited Solar Retailers

There are a few ways to find accredited solar retailers. One way is to do a search on the internet. Another way is to contact your state’s Clean Energy council. Clean energy council members are certified from the council to install solar panels. The state governments also provides certifications to accredited members of clean energy council.

Ask for References on Solar Installers

Ask for References is a good way to find accredited solar retailers and installers. Solar companies can be found through online directories, referrals from friends or family, or through an Ask for References website. Retailers should have a certificate of accreditation from the Clean Energy Council or another nationally recognized third-party certification organization. Installers must be registered with the Solar Foundation and meet certain experience and certification requirements.

Check Licensing and Insurance

Check licensing and insurance are important considerations when considering whether or not to work with an accredited solar installer.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL) accreditation program provides assurance that accredited installers have met specific safety, quality, and environmental requirements. Installers who meet the accreditation requirements must also have a valid insurance policy in place that covers personal injury, property damage, and liability claims.

The licensing process for solar installers varies by state. In general, however, installation professionals must be licensed in their respective states and pass a criminal background check. In addition, some states require installers to hold liability insurance coverage in case of accidents on the job site.

Read Reviews on Solar Installers

Solar retailers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but all must meet certain standards in order to be accredited. These standards, which are set by the nonprofit Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), include having a clean safety record, being financially stable, and meeting high ethical standards.

To find an accredited solar installer, you can use online resources like read reviews. Before signing up with any installer, make sure to do your research and ask around for recommendations. You can also contact your state’s solar association or regulator for more information about who is certified and who is not.


Choosing the right solar panel installer is important. Follow the above tips to ensure you make the best decision for your home.
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