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Exterior Lighting Upgrade

Electrical Upgrades For Your Home

Five Electrical Upgrades That Increase the Safety and Value of the Property

As you are probably already aware, simple home improvements can increase the value of your property. 


Plumbing, roofing, flooring, and interior-exterior painting are aspects that do get attention. But do you know that electrical upgrades can also make a significant impact? 


Let’s focus on essential electrical upgrades that can prove an excellent investment in the future.


1. Exterior Lighting

Your home’s interior lighting likely looks superb. But can you try and recall the last time you considered upgrading exterior lighting fixtures? 


Remember, when people visit your house, one of the first things they may notice is the lights outside your property. You certainly want visitors to look at your home’s beautiful window frames, garden, or other exterior areas. Yet, these elements often remain in the dark due to insufficient lighting. So why not upgrade those outdoor lighting fixtures and add value to your House? 


Besides making the home attractive, sufficient exterior lighting in the yard space increases security. Plus, it shows the owners do take care of the house. 


A licensed, trustworthy electrician in Sydney, we can recommend the best exterior lighting solutions after inspecting your property. 

2. Opt for a smoke alarm or smoke detector inspection

Warning signs of fire from fire safety equipment can help save your loved ones. But, these units hardly get the attention they deserve. Property owners rarely think of fire safety equipment while planning electrical upgrades.


Your residence either has multiple smoke alarms installed in various rooms or has detectors connected to the central alarm system. 


First, let’s quickly focus on the difference between two of the most appreciated fire safety devices. 


A detector is a mere smoke detecting unit which sends a signal to the building fire alarm system in case it detects smoke or fumes. 


On the other hand, a smoke alarm is a device that sounds a visual and audible warning when it senses smoke or fumes. It works as a single unit.


Both devices require annual maintenance. You also need to replace batteries after a specific period, as per the manufacturer’s instructions. The device won’t work in case of discharged batteries. 


The result? House fires often become even more fatal because smoke alarms or detectors fail due to a lack of maintenance. 


Studies have highlighted most homeowners are unaware that a smoke alarm system requires inspection and maintenance. In addition, users don’t know how and when to change batteries. As per a study conducted by QBE2 in Australia, 14 percent of participants knew that the system needed to be replaced entirely after ten years. 


You can test your fire safety equipment as per the device maker’s instructions. Yet, it is always better to call a professional if the system has been out of order for several months. 


You should trust only a licensed electrician for smoke alarm installation, replacement, or maintenance.


3. Home cinema room lights

When it comes to socializing and relaxing, the lounge room is the first choice. However, if you have a smart TV, you’d probably turn it into a cinema room. 


The next step is to create the right environment with suitable lights for these large-screen television sets. 


You can consider using any of the following lights for a superb viewing experience: 


  • Column lights 
  • Accent light or LED strip
  • Fiber optic lighting
  • Mellow light
  • Downlights
  • Wall sconces

4. Ensure switchboards are up to date

Are you aware that home buyers expect essential aspects like the electrical panel and switchboards to be up to date? 


If your property still has one of those porcelain and asbestos fuses (old-style switchboards), prospective buyers might feel they need to spend a fortune on upgrading electrical fitouts. 


Yes, old wiring and panels can prove to be deal breakers.


What’s the solution? Well, clean everything, fix everything broken or old. 


Opt for a home electrical safety inspection. As a reputed electrician in Sydney, Charlie Sparks can offer upgrade suggestions post-inspection.

5. Solar panels

You are right; adding solar panels to the house before selling does not make sense. But it is an excellent idea if you wish to add value to the home and produce your power to deal with rising energy prices. 


The type and price of panels and other components depend on the amount of electricity you wish to generate. But remember, only certified and accredited electricians can install these panels at residential or commercial properties in Sydney. 


Firms like Charlie Sparks electrical services have a dedicated team of professionals for the job. From choosing the best solar panels to installing battery systems for the same, you can blindly trust Charlie Sparks for solar workmanship in Sydney and the surrounding suburbs.

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