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What’s the best direction for solar panels to face?

Solar Panel Direction

Although we are aware of the many benefits of solar panels, we may not be aware of the best orientation or direction for them. Paying attention to these small details can make a big difference in energy savings, power, storage, and money.


The best orientation for your solar panel will depend on your location and energy goals. You will need to consider your latitude, sun exposure, and roof orientation when placing the solar panel.


With a flat roof or ground array, you’ll be able to take advantage of even more solar power.


The experts at Charlie Sparks will determine the best orientation for your solar panels to maximize your benefits.

What Is The Ideal Direction For Solar Panels To Face?

The most efficient orientation for solar panels depends on your location. Homeowners who have proper orientation of their panels will generate more power and the shortest payback period.

Solar is more economically advantageous when facing south:

  • It maximizes solar output.
  • It maximizes net metering.
  • It maximizes battery storage.
  • It maximizes battery life. 


For optimal energy production, solar panels must be installed in an area where they will receive direct sunlight throughout the day. In the Northern Hemisphere, panels should be oriented toward true south, while in the Southern Hemisphere, they should be oriented toward true north.

The Advantages of South-facing Solar Panels

It is better to face solar panels toward the “true” south rather than the magnetic south. South-facing solar panels produce more energy throughout the day, but peak production sometimes matches peak usage.

The Advantages of West-facing Solar Panels

In the later hours of the day, when peak energy consumption is highest, solar panels facing the west will generate more energy. Peak production time happens around 4 pm, about the same time household usage increases. Solar panels facing west can help you generate the electricity that you use.

The Advantages Of Ground-mounted Solar Panels

With ground-mounted installations, there are fewer restrictions on placement than with rooftop installations. Thus, it is much easier to position them in the ideal direction. The most versatile solar solution, ground mounts, are suitable for large or small agricultural projects.

Best Angle for Solar Panels

Choosing the right angle is just as significant as selecting the best direction for your solar panels. A general rule of thumb is to set the tilt angle of solar panels equal to the location’s latitude. For example, if you’re at 35 degrees latitude, angle your panels at 35 degrees.


To maximize solar production and save money on electricity bills in the long run, solar panels should be positioned so that they are perpendicular to the sun.


Most homeowners in the Northern Hemisphere prefer to face their panels south, but not necessarily east or west. Generally, the north-south axis determines the efficiency of a solar panel.
If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, installing solar panels oriented toward the geographic south (rather than the magnetic south) is recommended.
The most effective way to increase your solar panel’s efficiency is to install it in a way that allows it to face north. However, for a more specific and customized recommendation, it is best to consult with a professional installer.
We provide solar power solutions for both residential and commercial applications. Our solar energy experts can design a solar energy system that fits your needs for any location. Proper placement of your solar panels will ensure peak performance and maximize energy production all year.

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